Saturday 28 February 2015

Foods I eat for breakfast

A work day morning is often a rush for most people. I often find myself in a haste to get to work squeezing in a few more minutes of sleep and I'm sure at times you may have skipped breakfast simply because it's easy to let it fall low in your list of priorities or you just weren't feeling hungry.

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be eaten within two hours of waking up to literally 'break the fast'. Eating breakfast helps to boost your metabolism for the day, enhance your immune system and mood so that you are fuelled to kickstart your day so I never skip this meal and I find that having a few go-to options will help you stick to a healthy routine of eating in the morning.

For breakfast, I usually choose one of the options below because they are quick and easy to make. I usually decide what I eat depending on how I feel that day, what I've got and what needs to be eaten before it goes off. By no means am I calling myself a nutritionist or a health coach and that this is what you should be eating but these are just things I eat and like to eat. Feel free to try incorporate them into your eating routine or mix it up by adding/removing different ingredients so that it suits you :)

  • Option 1: Instant oatmeal made with almond milk and  topped with fruits and/or cinnamon
  • Option 2: Banana and handful of roasted almonds
  • Option 3: Wholegrain toast with peanut butter spread topped with banana slices
  • Option 4: A green smoothie
  • Option 5: A bowl of mixed fruit (on days I'm not feeling so hungry and want something light)
  • Option 6: Rachels Organic Greek Yoghurt topped with hemp seeds, fruit and wholegrain cereal flakes

Some breakfast meals I've posted on Instagram

However on weekends I find myself dedicating more time into what I eat more breakfast simple because I've got more time so I enjoy making my flour less easy to make two ingredient pancake recipe which I will blog in a separate post. And yes I'm guilty for having my morning coffee (which I know isn't a good habit) but I just love the taste and smell of coffee so this is one habit I will be working on trying to break. With so many coffee shops around nearly every corner in Hong Kong one will succumb :P

Let me know in the comments below how you found this post and whether there are any particular things you would like me to blog about next. :)

© Kay 2015.


  1. Bravo! You will make a beautiful and influential blog!

  2. Thanks Helen! Just getting starting so hopefully I can make the content look more appealing once I get to know what I can do! :)
