Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 2 Juice Cleanse

My 2 day juice cleanse experience (DAY 2 review)

Day 2 of my juice cleanse from Genie Juicery consisted of the same drinks as Day One (you can read my Day One review here) so I knew which drinks I were going to look forward to drinking and better evenly space my drink intake throughout the day.

Upon waking up my stomach felt hungry and empty- it was noticeably flatter (yay!).  I drank my warm lemon water, glass of water with psyllium husk and my 1st juice of the day (The Master).

Water with a sachet of psyllium husk provided in the cleanse programm

But after this I was feeling super hungry and a bit light fainted I had to give in to eating something so I decided to go for whole foods by eating an apple and some almonds. I felt so much better after this! Okay so I cheated but i'd rather cheat good than feel terrible.

I won't go into the details of each drink as they were the same as Day One but here's my summary of thoughts to the juice cleanse....

  • Try to limit your caffeine before the detox. I experienced bad migraines which I think was from my reliance on my regular morning if not two cups of coffee. 
  • Although it's a lot of liquids to take in, try to drink a glass of water in between each juice.
  • The freezer bag comes in handy when you have plans to go out but it's better to avoid making plans in general during your detox as you'll have to carry it around everywhere (to keep it cold as possible) and it's not so easy just to take your juice out and drink it in certain facilities.
  • Have the cleanse delivered to your door if possible. It can get heavy!
  • Make enough space to keep all your juiced in the fridge the night before you get your cleanse programme
  • Don't jump into making all your social life revolve around dining out. I had eaten out post detox quite a few times and I found my stomach not agreeing to the foods. Gradually let yourself back to a normal and healthier eating routine
  • Start with the beginner cleanse and not the intermediate cleanse if you have a little bit of a sweet tooth
Although it was a challenge I really did find that my the appearance of my skin improved. It's glowing more, my spots have disappeared and it still appears like this a week after! I am also more conscious of drinking more water to keep hydrated. I'm quite happy to try this again every few months or so as it puts me back into thinking more consciously about the foods I put into my body. 

If you have any questions about my juice cleanse experience, I'll be happy to answer  so feel free to comment on my instagram account or send it to

© Kay 2015.  


  1. After these juices, will u feel cold? N will it affect ur period??

    1. Hi there! I didn't noticeably feel colder after my juices and it did not affect my period. The main obstacle was the headache I experienced which was probably from my caffeine withdrawals! Is recommend easing into clean healthier eating before you go on the cleanse :) let me know how it goes if you try it! :)
