Monday 27 April 2015

Chickpeas and tuna salad

This salad is super easy and its healthy so it's a great way to get fuelled for the way when you are short of time. You can always use this recipe as a basis and use whatever veggies you like to have and it doesn't require a great amount of utensils or washing up after.

Chickpeas tuna salad © Kay 2015

Ingredients you will need (serves 2)

- a can of chickpeas (around 300g)

- a can of tuna (75g)

- veggies you would like to use. I used:

-3 stalks of celery

- 3 beetroots

- a handful of baby carrots

- 4 romaine lettuce leaves

For the dressing:

- sweet chilli sauce

- juice of one lemon

- fish sauce (not essential but adds flavour to it)

- white pepper  (not essential)

Equipment/ Utensils:

- one large mixing bowl

- a knife

- a chopping board

- a tablespoon

- lemon juicer

- serving bowl and forks

1. Wash and cut up all your veggies into bite friendly sizes
 © Kay 2015

2. Drain all the liquid out of the chickpea can and tuna can and combine them into one big mixing bowl.

© Kay 2015

3. Move your cut up veggies (except the romaine lettuce)  from the cutting board and toss them into the big mixing bowl.

© Kay 2015

4. Now to make the dressing- squeeze the juice out of one lemon and add 2 tablespoon of Thai sweet chilli sauce. Give it a stir and a taste to see if it suits your liking. You can always add more sweet chill sauce. If you do have fish sauce add a few drops and it will help intensify the flavour of the dressing.

 ©  Kay 2015

5. Combine the dressing into the big mixing bowl and use your both hands to mix the sauce with the salad so that the dressing is evenly coated.

© Kay 2015

6. And there you go! A quick and easy AND healthy recipe with a good combination of fibre, protein and carbs.  Half the serving and save the other half for the next day or share it with someone  :)

© Kay 2015

Thanks for reading this post! Let me know if you liked this recipe and if you would like me to post more easy healthy recipes on my blog by commenting below. I would love to hear your thoughts! :)

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