Thursday 12 March 2015

Join me on forming one new (healthy) habit!

Image courtesy of iheartnaptime

Hi guys,

You've probably heard the saying that it takes 21 days to form a new habit which has also been criticised as a myth by the likes of Huffington Post and Forbes. But does it really matter? I guess what I am saying is that we can always choose to make our own changes for the good. Every day it's up to us to make a decision on how we decide to lead the day. The things you can't control shouldn't determine your day/week/month or year but the things you CAN control are things we should act on to bring happiness into our life.Anyways, with the thought of incorporating a healthy habit for my wellness, I've decided to add drinking hot lemon water to my morning routine before I have my breakfast (click here to see a post on foods I tend to eat for breakfast). It's been nearly 2 weeks since I've stuck by this and I don't know if it's a placebo effect but I HAVE noticed my skin is more clear. I guess the extra cup of day is good in keeping my skin hydrated and using this as a replacement to my cups of coffee that I had become so reliant on. Although I still do have my cup of morning coffee, I've limited myself to a maximum of one a day. Taking baby steps...Asta la vista to my 2-3 cups of daily coffee!  :)

So why did I decide to add hot lemon water as my morning ritual?

According to my research the top 4 benefits to hot lemon water are:

1) It improves digestion

2) Regulates an overactive appetite

3) Aids constipation

4) Alleviates pain

So it may not be completely backed up but drinking hot lemon water vs drinking coffee? But I can say it has less calories, it's all natural, easy to buy, it helps me drink more water to keep me hydrates and it seems to work for me :)

Let me know your thoughts in the comment below!


  1. i'm trying to have a cup of green tea every morning

    1. Nice! I love green tea too! Keep it up! Thanks for sharing 😊
