Thursday 12 March 2015

Join me on forming one new (healthy) habit!

Image courtesy of iheartnaptime

Hi guys,

You've probably heard the saying that it takes 21 days to form a new habit which has also been criticised as a myth by the likes of Huffington Post and Forbes. But does it really matter? I guess what I am saying is that we can always choose to make our own changes for the good. Every day it's up to us to make a decision on how we decide to lead the day. The things you can't control shouldn't determine your day/week/month or year but the things you CAN control are things we should act on to bring happiness into our life.Anyways, with the thought of incorporating a healthy habit for my wellness, I've decided to add drinking hot lemon water to my morning routine before I have my breakfast (click here to see a post on foods I tend to eat for breakfast). It's been nearly 2 weeks since I've stuck by this and I don't know if it's a placebo effect but I HAVE noticed my skin is more clear. I guess the extra cup of day is good in keeping my skin hydrated and using this as a replacement to my cups of coffee that I had become so reliant on. Although I still do have my cup of morning coffee, I've limited myself to a maximum of one a day. Taking baby steps...Asta la vista to my 2-3 cups of daily coffee!  :)

So why did I decide to add hot lemon water as my morning ritual?

According to my research the top 4 benefits to hot lemon water are:

1) It improves digestion

2) Regulates an overactive appetite

3) Aids constipation

4) Alleviates pain

So it may not be completely backed up but drinking hot lemon water vs drinking coffee? But I can say it has less calories, it's all natural, easy to buy, it helps me drink more water to keep me hydrates and it seems to work for me :)

Let me know your thoughts in the comment below!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 2 Juice Cleanse

My 2 day juice cleanse experience (DAY 2 review)

Day 2 of my juice cleanse from Genie Juicery consisted of the same drinks as Day One (you can read my Day One review here) so I knew which drinks I were going to look forward to drinking and better evenly space my drink intake throughout the day.

Upon waking up my stomach felt hungry and empty- it was noticeably flatter (yay!).  I drank my warm lemon water, glass of water with psyllium husk and my 1st juice of the day (The Master).

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Day 1 Juice Cleanse

My 2 day juice cleanse experience (DAY 1 review)

Some of you may know from my Instagram that I was on my juice cleanse recently. I really wanted to try one out so I figured it's about time I tried one! As it was my first cleanse I chose to go for the safe option of doing it in the comfort of my home during the weekend in case I felt antsy, fatigued and to avoid embarressment of a roaring lion growling from my stomach.

Hong Kong has such a wide selection of juice cleanse programmes and juice shops around the city like noodfood, punch detox, be juiced, hyaku, mr. green juice- the list almost seems endless. I chose Genie juicery as it had been popping a lot of mentions on my instagram news feeds from fellow bloggers and it offers 8 instead of 6 juice bottles for each day (you could tell my concern was about getting hungry with no solid foods for two days :P).

I ordered my 2 day cleanse online (I chose intermediate based on the benefits listed here) from their website. The ordering and checkout process was quick and simple. You pick a date when you want to start your cleanse. Remember to order before 5pm before the day you intend to start your programme as this is the cut off time. When you fill the delivery form they provide the option to leave a note to arrange your delivery so I had arranged a note to pick mine cleanse up at the ferry pier after work given that they don't deliver to outlying islands. Delivery around HK island is free with a extra surcharge for deliver to TST and other locations around HK.

What I got:

My 2 day cleanse came in two freezer bags (see below).  In each bag came 8 bottles to drink per day with a sachet of psyllium husk and chia seeds for added fibre and protein, a genie bible and a straw to sip your juices. My advice is to make sure you make space in your fridge beforehand as it takes up quite a lot of space and have it delivered if you can to your door as it's pretty heavy! I immediately put my juices into the fridge to keep them cold. 

What it looks like inside